Hi Michelle! This is the first article of yours that I have read. I think that your independent journalism is both wonderfully purposeful and enlightening to read. Thank you!! Your point of view/niche makes me feel that you might be interested in a story re the Libertarian presidential candidate trying to make it to the debate stage, Jo Jorgensen... I apologize if you intend to stay away from politics! ...VP nominee Spike Cohen is making his way around to protests/autonomous zones and has some fierce intelligence/novelty vibe. It all ties in nicely and your angle would be sweet.

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Exactly! I thought it would work different in this group. I have got some EOS after great wins at this crypo sport betting... are there any ways to invest this straight to u? - https://tinyurl.com/3fbhv4ts

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first and foremost, tell this fools to get a job and stop acting like a bunch of "protesters". I am going to protest the fact that they are sitting on their asses. Police are wasting their on this BS. Part of the reason crime is up in the city. Most of these clowns don't even live in the 5 boros. stick that in your pipe and smoke it. Autonomous zone my ass. this is the same BS that happen with #METOO movement. today's peacock...tomorrow's feather duster. can you feel me.

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Your username taints your invitation to “feel you,” a smidge...

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"I didn’t realize I needed that closure until I came here.” me neither. Thank you for sharing Obama's words with us.

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